Our Menu (Week of December 4, 2011)

Chicken enchiladas

I can do this, I can do this, I will do this, I will do this. Every week.

That helps, believe it or not. 🙂 I’m jumping back into weekly menu planning.  Lately, I’d say I’ve had a menu plan only 2 weeks a month.  And let me tell you, life around here is just better with a menu plan!

I give myself a bit of wiggle room with our menu.  Life happens and we can’t always stick to our best laid plans.  When I create and jot down my menu on my planning sheet, I consider our family schedule for the week.  However, something always comes up (like I forget to defrost the chicken) so I generally end up flip-flopping a couple of days each week.  No big deal–the menu still does its job and diminishes mealtime stress in my household.

Lunch is the meal that varies between my husband, daughter and myself.  I pack a lunch for my husbands some days, but he often has lunch meetings or takes a break from the office and heads out for lunch.  Because I usually want more snack-type foods at lunch, I tend to eat veggies and dip or salads.  Baked sweet potatoes are also a favorite lunch of mine.

And as you can tell from the picture above, I am not a food photographer.  Or any kind of photographer at that.  Bad lighting, bad angles.  I’m working on my skills, give me time.  Lots of time. 🙂


Oatmeal with dried cherries, bananas, fresh-squeezed orange juice x 3

Egg sausage scramble, toast, blackberries, kefir smoothie(free coupon from Lifeway which is our chosen brand!)

Toast with peanut butter/homemade jam, raspberries, milk

Pumpkin chocolate chip muffins, bananas, hot cider

Glazed cinnamon scones with cinnamon chips, raspberries, hot cider


Leftovers x 3 plus fruit

Chicken salad sandwiches, fruit salad, yogurt

PB & J, fruit salad, string cheese

Gnocchi with peas, blackberries, kefir smoothie

Mini veggie-sausage pizzas, peaches


Spaghetti and meatballs, garlic bread, salad

Mushroom barley soup, honey cornbread

Chicken enchiladas, chips and salsa, salad, fruit

Roasted chicken, broccoli, honey cornbread, fruit

Asian b.b.q. chicken, grilled squash and asparagus, rice

Potato cheese soup, homemade rolls, fruit salad

Leftovers Night


Apples, grapes, bananas

Hummus and multi-grain crackers

String cheese and cucumbers

Banana bread and hot cider

Freezer Cooking (I’m splitting up my freezer cooking this week.  I’ll do a little each day so I have no excuses!)

Honey cornbread

Banana bread

Spaghetti sauce


Pumpkin chocolate chip muffins


There you have it!  We have a lot of extra outings this week so I tried to keep our menu as simple and easy as possible.  I wanted to try out some new recipes, but figured I better stick with the tried and true this week.  Of course, there will likely be a dessert or two thrown in there…tis the season for yummy desserts!

I’d love to hear your plans for the week.  What’s on your menu?


  1. Mushroom Barley soup sounds good! Is it a new recipe or a tested one you can share?

  2. I’d love to share it. It is from a magazine (blanking on it right now), my best friend passed on to me and is now a family favorite. I’ll dig it up and link it for you, Nicole! Thank you for stopping by!

  3. Hi! Stopping by from Money Saving Mom. Your recipe looks delish! And your freezer cooking looks great too! I wish our freezer was bigger.. I cant fit anything else in there. Oh well! Here is our menu 🙂


  4. Hi Kelley, I completely relate regarding the freezer. 😦 It is hard for us to keep the essentials plus freezer cooking in there. I am researching a freezer for the garage and hope that by the middle of next year I will have one! Fingers crossed. Off to check out your menu:)

  5. You.Are.My.Hero.
    I shall be a faithful follower so I can continue to be inspired! Thanks a million for sharing…I’m ALWAYS in need of ideas and recipes!!!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a wonderful day!

  7. What is your chicken enchilada recipes? there are so many different variations out there..and I love me some enchiladas 🙂


  1. […] Our Menu (Week of December 4, 2011) (cozycakescottage.com) […]

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